Full Swing Golf
Tiger asked for a launch monitor, built to his standards. Innovation led to unparalleled processing power, absolute accuracy, and even more features than he could have imagined. Now, with the Full Swing KIT there is no more guesswork for you or your instructor, see exactly what is going and start playing better golf, faster.
Dinamic Golf
Dinamic Golf are specialists in building brands. From brand creation, marketing and sales consultancy, to launching established brands in new markets, we are experienced at making things fire for you and are delighted to be bringing Full Swing Golf to the attention of UK golfers.
“I've been desperate for an easy to use Launch Monitor and the go to till now has been Trackman, but at that price, no chance. Full Swing KIT gives me all the data, proven to be just as accurate, for less than a quarter of the cost. Now I can really trust my numbers each day and it's making such a difference to results.”
Luke Metcalf +3 England Regional Player
“I was looking for a reasonably priced but highly accurate Launch Monitor when I was introduced to the Full Swing KIT. I ran tests next to a colleagues Trackman and saw very little difference in data. There was, however a big difference in price and I'm now delighted to be using Full Swing in my lessons”
Oscar Granstrom, Club Pro
“All my freinds know I'm a golf geek and I love looking at my numbers, but until now have only been able to do this during lessons with Pro's who have a Launch Monitor already set-up. Since buying my Full Swing KIT, I don't practice without it and can even figure out what difference a cold day makes to my carry”
Gary Collingwood, Club Golfer